
Inspire Children and Youth (Malmesbury, Western Cape)

Inspire Children and Youth (ICY) works on Middelpos in Riebeeksrivier, Malmesbury. Middelpos is a 60-hectare land-reform farm bought by the Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform and given over to 13 families for farming in terms of a 30-year lease. The families need to prove in the first five years that they can develop the farm into a sustainable business.

The Distell Development Trust has committed to a three-year investment to enable ICY to build the leadership, business and social capability of the farmworkers and youth. Among other outcomes, this will enable the creation of jobs for the rural women and youth to help them become financially independent, and ultimately to enable the 13 farmworker families to become sustainable. Positive results from our investment are already evident after only three months.

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